Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How intelligent people spend their time

Here's a Sanskrit shloka that reflects how intelligent people spend their time: "विद्यार्थिन: प्रियं तस्य प्रियतरं ज्ञानचिन्तनं। स्वजनानां च संगतिरतिप्रिया विद्याविनोदिनी॥" Translation: "Vidyarthinah priyam tasya priyataram jnanachintanam Svajananaam cha sangati ratipriya vidyavinodini" Meaning: "For the student, the most beloved is contemplation of knowledge, More beloved than that is association with wise people." ************* Here's a shloka that reflects the idea of intelligent people spending their time in coordination, cooperation, humor, music, and dance: "सहकारं सहयोगं विवेकं हास्यमेव च। संगीतं नृत्यं चेति विदुषां प्रियमेव तत्॥" Translation: "Sahakaram sahayogam vivekam hasyameva cha Sangitam nrityam cheti vidusham priyameva tat" Meaning: "For the wise, cooperation, coordination, discernment, Humor, music, and dance are most beloved." ******** काव्य शास्त्र विनोदेन, कालो गच्छति धीमताम्। व्यसनेन च मूर्खाणां, निद्रयाकलहेन वा। । अर्थात् बुद्‌धिमान लोग अपना समय काव्य-शास्त्र अर्थात् पठन-पाठन में व्यतीत करते हैं वहीं मूर्ख लोगों का समय व्यसन, निद्रा अथवा कलह में बीतता है।