Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sudarshan kriya experience of my mother

My mother had migraine and problem of sleeplessness. when she did her first sudarshan kriya ,she immediately felt improvement in her sleep and now she was having good deep sleep but problem of headaches was there. she continued to attend followups every sunday morning and on one fine sunday after doing kriya she experienced a beam of light coming from Guruji's photo and entering her body ..she says it was so evident that she was amazed and from that day onwards she never had migraine.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guru listens to ur deeper prayers

Jai Guru Dev!

Mahashivratri with Guruji is always mesmerizing .It takes me to the other world. As Guruji says there is much more than what we see, here you get a glimpse of what He says.For me this mahashivratri was most memorable one. My only prayer was to spent quantity and quality time with Him when He arrives in Jaipur. So the moment He came to Rekha Di's house i was with Him in the press meet and the got the opportunity to take His asana upstrair from where He waved people who have gathered there to caught a glimpse of the master.It was His grace that i took my mother and brother to the dinner with Him in Chokki-Dhani . The other day my prayer was to make Him sit in my new car and drove Him, to which He immediately responded and i got the opportunity to drove Him to the main venue in the evening where the main function was to be held.I didn't had anything to say to Him but He himself made me to say some of the important issues connected to my life. Guruji I m so grateful to u for being so kind enough for making myself a part of u .I know in the way u listen to me u listen to everyone who deeply pray from bottom of their heart.

Monday, January 3, 2011

how it feels to be an Art of living teacher ?

Unique and Normal. Today somebody asked me this question . Being an Aol teacher is being like Guruji's messenger. His message is to take every challenge with a smile which is 'Unique' and to be 'natural' and 'normal'. Guruji says 'Naturalness is the best' . As an Aol teacher i have to do different type of work in a day and meet so diverse people daily,so u never get chance to get bored! If i have been doing my job of being a software engineer my growth would be limited to one field and would not have felt the freedom which i enjoy today.So thank you my friend for asking me this question ,i feel more grateful to Guruji for what He has done for me and FEEL WONDERFUL BEING HIS INSTRUMENT >>FOR BEING AN AOL TEACHER ....100% job satisfaction.