Monday, January 3, 2011

how it feels to be an Art of living teacher ?

Unique and Normal. Today somebody asked me this question . Being an Aol teacher is being like Guruji's messenger. His message is to take every challenge with a smile which is 'Unique' and to be 'natural' and 'normal'. Guruji says 'Naturalness is the best' . As an Aol teacher i have to do different type of work in a day and meet so diverse people daily,so u never get chance to get bored! If i have been doing my job of being a software engineer my growth would be limited to one field and would not have felt the freedom which i enjoy today.So thank you my friend for asking me this question ,i feel more grateful to Guruji for what He has done for me and FEEL WONDERFUL BEING HIS INSTRUMENT >>FOR BEING AN AOL TEACHER ....100% job satisfaction.

1 comment:

kamlesh jagati said...

jgd.Do u ever miss your engineering?